Keep your family safe with a concrete storm shelter.
The weather in Michigan can change quickly. Those sudden changes can bring sunshine or rainstorms. But it can also bring danger. So Michiganders know we need to be prepared for any kind of weather.
Tornado season is not something to take lightly, especially since Branch, Hillsdale and Lenawee counties are all part of Michigan’s second largest tornado alley. Typically tornado season in Michigan runs from April through July, and the state sees an average of 15 tornados a year. No matter what season we are in it is important to be prepared no matter what the time of year.

When it comes to tornados, the National Weather Service says the best place to be is underground. This could mean a basement, but if your home does not have a basement, the next best thing is a precast concrete storm shelter. Storm shelters can be buried in the ground close to the home for quick access. Since the storm shelter comes to your home already assembled, it takes as little time as an afternoon to install. Place the storm shelter near a door to your home so it can be gotten to easily. Many people build a deck or porch over their storm shelter so it is close to the house but not visible. It is as easy as install it and forget it. A concrete shelter will last as long as 40 years if not indefinitely. This means that as long as you are in your home you will be safe.
Being prepared and making sure your family is safe from severe weather will eliminate one more stress when Mother Nature strikes.

Becker and Scriven’s precast storm shelter provides safety for residents without a basement. Our shelters are typically buried about 4’ in the ground and then backfilled to the top on 3 sides. When ready, we will deliver your shelter right to you and place it where your contractor has prepared the earth.
Buried concrete storm shelters can last decades. Measuring at 7'1" tall, 11'4" long and 6'8" wide, you can rest easy knowing your family will be able to comfortably wait out any storm where damaging winds are involved. When you order a shelter from us, they come with the door, vents, and wood steps to get down inside.
As always, our precast concrete is leak proof. But with our shelters in particular, they also come with a 4” capped vent and a 6” turbine vent. We suggest investing in some solar lighting for the inside and maybe some shelves or chairs to make waiting out the storm more durable.
After installation, a precast concrete storm shelter requires little to no maintenance. The strength and longevity of concrete allow for peace of mind when the shelter is not in use and secure safety when needed. A precast concrete shelter protects against water, soil and insects. The strength of concrete can also withstand impacts from flying debris and the sealed door will keep out any dust or dirt that is blowing above ground.

Once installed it is also important to stock the shelter with supplies. The American Red Cross emergency preparedness checklist recommends keeping the following items in a storm shelter: battery powered radio, flashlights, non-perishable food and bottled water, first aid kit, blankets and warm clothing and any items unique to your family’s needs, such as an inhaler or EpiPen.

A tornado can pop up with little to no warning. Be sure you and your family have a plan of what to do in a weather emergency. Review the plan every year and update it as necessary. Being prepared and making sure your family is safe from severe weather will eliminate one more stress when Mother Nature strikes.
Now that your looking into a storm shelter, have you thought about how your septic is doing? These are 5 Signs You Need a New Septic Tank!